Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jackie Chan Approved Hair Tonic

Not too long ago (Halloween according to the jack-o-lantern in the photo, although it was Goodwill, so maybe not?) Scott and I were in Goodwill when we came across this:

"Anti-hair Fall Shampoo"

The back of the package reads, "The Ba Wang Anti-hair Fall Shampoo combines Ancient Chinese wisdom with modern pharmacological and biotechnology to bring optimum hair care results to the user."

I was tickled to notice this on sale for Spring Festival [aka: Chinese New Year] in the grocery store a few days ago:

Bet you didn't know that's how Jackie Chan maintains his lush head of hair!

In related news [because my Ma has not seen it, and because the bit about "Ancient Chinese wisdom" totally reminds me of it] please enjoy this ridiculous, classic commercial:

1 comment:

pendley said...

i miss scott!!! i havent seen him since high school!

tell him *Pendley* says Guten Tag!