Sunday, January 9, 2011

In which I piss off an old lady at my apartment complex

While everyone else was still going strong, I left the party just after midnight on New Year's Eve. I was buzzed, but not drunk because I'm old, and partying hard is like this:

I cut that video myself with new software!

So anyway, when I got home, the gates to my apartment complex were shut. 7 foot tall, metal gates:

 from the inside of the complex

So I thought, 'Huh. Okay, whatever: I'll just climb over.' It took me two tries, and I made a lot of noise (flat, metal, gate doors...), but I managed to hoist myself up. And as I moved into a sitting position in order to smoothly jump down, the lights came on in that building on the right, which evidently is a gate keeper's office. This old lady with a cane appeared, glared in response to my merry "Ni hao!" and proceeded to show me the external doorway I apparently could have used. But like I said, I was buzzed, so I just stayed sitting on the gate and laughed at her and the situation. After a few seconds of personal amusement, I ended up pulling out my keys and jumping down to wave them at her, because I felt the situation warranted some proof that I was a legitimate resident, and really, I couldn't think of anything better to do. Then I continued on to my apartment :D .

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