Saturday, January 22, 2011

Adventures in [Not Strictly] Chinglish

Today's entries aren't exactly Chinglish, more just amusing.

I thought "Numbed and Hot Flavor" was Chinglish, but then when I translated the Chinese characters, I got back "numbing spicy." Which means either it's a literal translation of the degree of spicy which we usually describe using some variation on "fire," or, there isn't really a solid English translation for the concept, no matter what the dictionary says.

 This is just an honest typo by someone whose first language is not English. For the reverse and a good laugh, see this site that Anne once showed me: Hanzi Smatter

You kind of have to read the whole thing for context, but it's the last sentence that kills me :) . This is from a school text book, but I'm pretty sure it's written by someone whose first language is not English because while the statement is technically correct, it's just not really colloquially correct...

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