Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Children's Vocabulary Books

I bought several of these super fun photo-vocab books from the grocery store:

The smaller ones have lenticular covers, so they don't photograph well.

While they are mostly awesome, the content is sometimes funny, and occasionally. Let's take a look!!

What the heck is she wearing??
Besides the obvious Pepsi / Coke joke, this one's odd, because they don't say "coke," they say "cola," and the Chinese term is even pronounced /cola/!

 Heh-heh-heh: Oh! how deplorable, to be the ignoble Lesser Panda!

 Not exaaactly...

 Why on earth does the grandmother look so cranky?

That dad is way too happy about the beat-down he is apparently preparing to deliver.

Drafting compass was in two different books (although in one it isn't translated properly, as you can see). To include something so specialized is kind of random.

An abacus? How is that at all relevant?

It's a cross-cultural sentiment: no one likes clowns!

Hahaha! That's not a word!!

Out of the jillion stock photos of people sleeping, they chose one with children who are clearly not sleeping?!

Ouch, so close! 
I checked: the photo's wrong, not the translation. Incidentally, the literal translation of "skunk" is "smelly weasel" :D .

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