Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Update (and more Xi'an)

Starting when I was in Xi'an, I was having some reeeally strange computer issues, but I think I have them under control now so I'm finally going to post the rest of my Xi'an photos.

From my reading/research, experiencing Xi'an means visiting these sites (in no particular order) :
- the Drum Tower and Bell Tower
- the Muslim district and/or the Great Mosque
- the art district and/or the Stele Forest (not a forest, fyi)
- the old city wall
- the Small Wild Goose Pagoda
- the Big Wild Goose Pagoda
- the Shaanxi History Museum
- the Terracotta Warriors

If you had one day in Xi'an, you could/should follow this itinerary:
1. See the warriors (outside the city) in the morning/afternoon;
2. transfer to the city center for a look at the drum and bell towers in the late afternoon evening,
3. and then walk from the towers to the Muslim district 'cause it's just around the corner.
4. Finish feeling like Xi'an is awesome, because it is.

If you have two days, and like museums (or LOVE them as I do), the Shaanxi museum is worth a visit. [But I'll explain why I left it off my key sites list with it's own post.]

Start reading below!

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