Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Little Emperors

If you've ever had a conversation with me about China, you know that I hate small children in China. I don't loathe children, nor do I detest Chinese children because I know it has little to do with nationality, but damn! the small children that modern, Chinese, parenting culture and the urban one-child policy have spawned are horrrrrible. A population of children allowed to do whatever, wherever, whenever, results in out-of-control, entitled brats.

The world of contemporary, well-off Chinese families: "Y" is for "yacht."

In China, the term associated with spoiled only-children is "little emperor syndrome," and believe me, it's an overtly noticeable phenomenon, even without prior knowledge of the established concept. [In other words, researchers who claim it doesn't exist are, to put it politely, full of it.]

Here are a few articles on the world of little emperors.

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