Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to eat an atemoya

An atemoya is a funny looking fruit with a pleasant flavor. It tastes like a pineapple, if pineapple had a more subtle flavor, and was in absolutely no way tart. It's sweet and mild, and goes well with lime juice!

I didn't really find anything helpful online concerning the consumption process of an atemoya, so I'm taking the opportunity and making a How To, myself.

1. To judge ripeness, assess the skin around the stem. It's ready to eat when its soft and approaching discoloration. As you can see in the photos above and below, I let mine go too long and had to cut out spoiled bits.

2. Cut the fruit in half. Or quarters. Your call.

The brown, spoiled parts pretty much lifted out on their own. There was zero effort involved.

3. Pop out the seeds and discard.

4. Now, I wasn't sure how to go about removing the skin, so I tried two methods.

These pieces look the same but they're not: the left piece is convex, and the right piece is concave.

On the left, I used a paring knife to cut the skin off the fruit. On the right I used a paring knife to cut the fruit out of the skin. Cutting of the skin off is superior: it was quicker and I lost less fruit.

5. Once you remove the seeds and peel, you're good to go---eat up!

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