Saturday, December 24, 2011

School Christmas (Eve) Party

Thanks to Tiffany's efforts, the school Christmas party was held at Tino's. English learners eating at a Western restaurant - makes perfect sense. What did not make as much sense, however, was the meal management ultimately settled on. 

I should preface this with two things:
   1. Yancheng people are the least adventurous eaters I've ever met, and the city's cuisine is appropriately bland to match their dull palates.
   2. On multiple occasions, my or other foreigners' commentary on Western / US eating habits & cuisine have been disregarded by Chinese acquaintances who apparently feel they have a much better understanding of what we eat than we do. (If that's not the actual situation, I honestly don't know how else to interpret it.)

After Tino, Tiffany, and management had developed a meal appropriate to the occasion, yet not too out there for the picky students, our marketing director blew in and dismissed the plan entirely because it didn't fit her concept of Western food. For various reasons that are too complicated to go into, nobody put their foot down (except for Tino refusing outright to bother with the kimchi request, which, hello!, is Korean anyway), and we ended up with the following...

Egg and tomato soup, a tasty Chinese dish.

 Spaghetti, pork cutlets, and beef and gravy on rice. All at once.

China is SO weird.

1 comment:

Stephanie E said...

Chels, not gonna lie--that is the most disgusting meal combination I have ever heard of. I also love the one piece of broccoli and carrot stick. At least they got the American way of not eating vegetable correct.