Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Count that among things I wouldn't have expected I'd ever be doing...

(image from a set of stickers I bought) 

On Monday night, I spent about an hour sorting weevils from some beans I wanted to make into red beans and rice.

Some gnawed-on azuki beans. They're fine, and if not, I'll just sue the State of California for fallacious information. Litigiousness!!

A soon-to-be-victim trying to escape my wrath.

For anyone who is likely to eat my cooking in the future, just be glad my reaction was to pick out the bugs. 


Sort of. 
See, I've kind of come around and accepted insects as a viable food source for people. I mostly lay the change of heart to an episode of the less-than-great National Geographic television show Taboo, in which people are shown dining on a gourmet meal of bugs.

But, as I told Tiffany, at this point, there's still some mental iffy-ness between being cool with eating insects and actually doing it. So I picked out the weevils and only ate the beans.

After thoroughly cooking them.

This is why it took so long. All those came from only a 1/2 cup of beans.

And for the record, no, I would NEVER serve bug-eaten food to anyone else.

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