Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Beeswax Not Yours, Inc.

It is not uncommon for Chinese people to be all up in other people's business. They ask impolite questions, they presume to judge, and they give unwanted advice. Of course, this occurs in the States too, but it's noticeably more frequent here. People might comment on your acne, and recommend you do something about it. Others may comment on your size, and ask if you've ever considered losing weight. I have more than one Chinese friend who will back me up on how unpleasant a cultural norm it is.

Anita took me to get our nails done today. Here is another photo of her, because she doesn't like that first one:

So happy!

While we were waiting for the polish to dry, one of the nail technicians [seriously, that's what the interwebs says the job title is] came over and started talking to Anita in... not an aggressive manner exactly, but she was being pretty intense and her demeanor was not at all positive. I asked what was up, and Anita explained that the girl was lecturing her for wearing nail polish while breastfeeding. Then girl asked if Anita was living with her husband's parents. Anita told her it was none of her business, to which the girl responded by completely ignoring Anita's put-off, and asking if 'Anita's mother-in-law was going to be okay with Anita breastfeeding with nail polish on her fingers?'


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