Saturday, July 16, 2011

Adventures in Chinglish: Refuse-Receptacle Edition

In case you didn't already believe that everything interests me, here is more proof:

After taking this photo, I thought, 'Which do I put trash in?'

 This one is especially weird to me because, if you take a look at the next photo...

 The exact same trash cans have a different style of labels, with the same concept mistranslated/misspelled. And these alternate on any given street: if you walk by an Unreducible can, the next one you see will probably be a Onredeemable can.

I took several shots of this, and never did get a great one. If you enlarge it, it is somewhat better.
It reads "Protect CircumStance begin with me."

1 comment:

Christel said...

My favorite is the one that says "organism!"