Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Safety First

On Monday I woke up to the school testing it's emergency alarm system. Only it didn't sound like a US school's alarm, it sounded like this:

That's right. Their emergency alarm is an air raid siren. I decided there wasn't an actual problem because the neighbors were going about business, but it was still really weird.

With that event in my mind, I thought I'd also post the photos I took of the following two emergency vehicles:

This is what a Chinese ambulance looks like. I know that, because even though it looks like a gussied-up van, it is labeled "Ambulance."

Super ghetto police car. 
Fancy, new-model cars exist (although I don't have a photo just now), so I wonder what it means for a police officer to have to drive one of these. Maybe it's a punishment or something?

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