Monday, March 21, 2011

Boats Boats Boats!

This post is for my grandmother.
It will probably be uninteresting to the rest of you, so I recommend you scroll down to the 6th - 9th photos and then click back over to Facebook. [You know you want to :) ]

One day when the sun was out, I walked up the street to the river, and stood on the bridge taking photos of the industrial nautical activity.

Gran, you can click on the photos to see them in large detail.

The looongest tug boat ever!

I'm pretty sure these people were on an air mattress.

If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can see that he's using a snow shovel to paddle.

I thought they were out for a hilarious joy-ride, but it turns out they had a goal in mind.

There was a child on that mattress! He's the black line between the woman on the raft, and the guy on the boat. (Enlarge it to see.)

Okay, back to more boats!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Hi Chelsea,
Thanks for CCing me the boat pix.

We missed you at Grandmas party. She had a fabulous time!

Love, Aunt Em