Monday, March 5, 2012

Uh... thanks?

I've gone native and taken up cross stitch. My theory is that cross stitch is so popular in China because it's a perfect creative activity for people who aren't educated to be creative: stitch specific colors in a specific pattern to create a specific design. Surprisingly, I find it quite fun even though it doesn't require my imagination or innovation.

My first, practice piece.

Last week I was sitting on a coach returning from Shanghai, working happily on a piece, when out of the corner of my eye I noticed the lady in the seats behind me blatantly watching my progress. I've kind of lost patience the nosy-busybody attention I attract, so I purposely ignored her. Or did so until she tapped me on the shoulder and motioned for me to hand her my work. She spent the next 5-10 minutes trying to show me a better stitch technique which was, in fact, no simpler or more expedient than the standard approach. Finally she gave up and I went back to my work.

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