Friday, October 28, 2011

I think we might have a language barrier here... [a survey]

I'm taking Chinese classes at one of the local colleges "universities." I'm pretty sure I annoy the heck out of the professor: I'm not very good at being an obedient Chinese student, and I'm unconcerned with the fact that I'm struggling way behind the other foreign students. Who don't work. And who've taken Chinese previously in Korea. And whose native language, according to some-guy-on-the-internet-whom-I-haven't-fact-checked, shares pronunciation characteristic with Mandarin.

On Thursday, I had a big argument with the professor over the proper answer to a question about a dialogue. Our clash ended when I realized that the difference in opinion might be a cultural difference in the connotative meaning behind the pertinent words. I'd be really grateful if y'all can help me out by giving me your own answer in the survey down below. In a future post I'll lay out what I am looking for.

 One or two word answers will be perfect!

Just answer as if you were having the conversation yourself.

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