Thursday, April 21, 2011

DON'T forget your passport when you're traveling in China

'Cause I did, and it wasn't cool. Tiffany, Scott, Stuart, and I took the train to Nantong, a nearby city with a international chain store that's kind of a cross between Costco and Cash & Carry. Also, it has a US cuisine restaurant that is a wooonderful treat!

The train attendants always seem to hock stuff during trips. I have no clue what these were, except that at one point he pulled out a lighter and put the flame against the non-flammable part. Later he pitched socks and belts.

Scott giving me the evil eye


We got into town around 13:00, and immediately went to lunch. Then we tried to check into a hotel. It's the law in China that foreigners MUST use their passports to check into hotels. I had forgotten my passport at home---Stuart: "I thought about texting everyone to bring their passports, then I thought, 'we're all smart enough to remember them'''---and only had a photo copy, which the receptionists wouldn't accept. We tried everything: getting them to call managers; calling my boss to work some guanxi-magic; calling Scott and Tiffany's boss to do the same; trying to convince the recptionists to pretend they didn't know about me; looking pathetic. After twenty stressful minutes, we finally gave up and went to a different hotel, where I hung out on the street while the other three checked in. When I walked in with the group later that night, no one gave me a second glance. And, the bed Stuart and I shared was way bigger than the bed in the first hotel---this one could have fit all four of us, but in the first, Stuart and I pretty much would have been on top of each other, something which would have sucked majorly considering I discovered he is a wicked restless sleeper.

With the anticlimactic conclusion of that debacle, we went for groceries, got dinner, and had fun on a short channel tour in a little, plastic, rented boat.

Scott with a "margarita"


in the boat

My small point-and-shoot camera is absolutely fabulous in all things except night shots; in the dark, it sucks big time. Still, with persistence, I managed to get a couple nice photos:


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