Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Art of Potato Chip Flavors

Perhaps, Dear Reader, you recall that when was in England, I encountered the popularity of meat flavored potato chips. Well, if my two-nation travels are any indication [Steph, seriously ask Rachel about potato chips in Spain, okay?], US potato chip consumers have just about the least creative taste buds ever. Because look what I ran across in the grocery store yesterday:
Bleh!!! I retract my objection to meaty potato chips---these are much less appetizing!

It did get better:
I'm actually kind of interested in trying these. You know, after I finally get paid and have money to potentially waste.

But then it got far, far worse:
Really? Really?!?! How can this be good?!


Jacklyn said...

oh my god, that sounds so nasty... seriously, why would anyone think of lemon tea potato chips??

Stephanie E said...

I will ask her... But I am fairly disgusted by the fruit-flavored ones...