Thursday, January 27, 2011

In which I fail at bargaining... because of something that slipped Tiffany's mind :)

 This is a "modern" rickshaw. The city recently made the old school kind illegal, in order to promote modernity :P .

Usually, before I get in a rickshaw, I bargain a price with the driver. Tiffany, however, is cool with paying a little more (she calls it the "foreigner tax") in order to not have to bargain. This evening, when we took a rickshaw to get coffee, I attempted to pay the driver ¥4, but he demanded ¥5 and when I wouldn't budge---it wasn't a ¥5 trip!---he got really angry. So did I. We stood there, shouting at each other in our own languages, until I finally, bitterly coughed up the extra yuan and told him he sucked.
I was perplexed, because, as the Chinese will tell you, they love to bargain, and this guy totally wouldn't. It wasn't until our trip back that Tiffany remembered: when we got in, the driver told her it would be ¥5, and she agreed!!!!!!! I laughed sooo hard! I'll bet that guy never picks up foreigners again.

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