Saturday, February 26, 2011

I NEVER want to have to do that again!

My water was partially restored today, meaning everywhere but the kitchen sink. I was excited to wash my hair. It's not really worth going into the preceding process, but eventually, I ended up with the shower hose/head hooked up to the laundry spigot, which only runs cold water. So, hunched over the bathroom sink, I wet my hair with the shower head, lathered with shampoo, rinsed, and repeated with conditioner. Except that it wasn't that simple- it was ABSOLUTE AGONY! Have you ever dunked your head into cold water? [ If the answer is "yes," I'd actually really like to hear the details from you :) .] Aaanyway, the unexpected result was an all-over brain freeze. Think about that: a brain-freeze that encompasses your entire skull. It hurt sooooo bad. A terrible, terrible headache that I had to experience three times.

Long-haired readers, I recommend that you count your blessings next time your wash your hair in warm, running water.

Desperate for the tiles to set and the fixtures to be replaced!

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