Wednesday, June 29, 2011

In which I inadvertantly attempt to charge some deaf children to be friends

I was on the bus Saturday, and noticed two deaf kids speaking excitedly about me. After about ten minutes, one of them, a boy about 10 years old, finally approached me with a piece of paper on which he'd written, asking for my QQ id.  

QQ is a facebook/im/internet-y program popular in China, and famous out of China for being spamy and invasive. The only foreigners with QQ accounts (in Yancheng) are single guys interested in sleeping with local girls.

So I'm standing there awkwardly, trying hard to remember a character to communicate "don't have," when the other kid, a teenage girl, comes over all flustered and takes the paper away from me, signing very agitatedly at the boy before dragging him back to their seats. She was clearly mortified, and I felt really bad: I remember being a teenage girl and getting embarrassed over dumb things that aren't actually a big deal.

At that point I thought I remembered the appropriate character, , and wanting to ease the situation, I went up to the boy and motioned for him to give me the paper back. But then, instead of , I ended up writing this: . is the equivalent of $, meaning money! I was like, 'oh my god, no! not that!' and scribbled it out, but I'm pretty sure the damage had been done. At that exact moment it was my stop, so I just up and abandoned the entire situation...

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